When I launched the FIT CHICKS boot camp classes, we had 1 location and only 7 clients (a.k.a. "chicks") showed up to our first class.
Within a year, we had spread like wildfire to over 20 locations across Canada and were receiving daily emails and phone calls from women wanting us to launch programs in their area.
We didn’t spend thousands of dollars on marketing.
At the time, we had a very limited website with little functionality.
But we were in high demand, and have been so ever since.

There are millions of boot camps, group fitness classes, and personal trainers that clients can choose from. So why did they choose us, and why are they going to choose you (and continue to choose you)?
They are NOT going to become your loyal followers for the coupons, special offers, or time slots that you offer classes.
The best way to build SOLD OUT programs is to not focus on how to get clients into your class, but to focus on what you are delivering at every class.
I'm about to show you how to do this, so read on...
4 Proven Strategies For Sold Out Group Fitness Classes
Your job is to deliver world-class service to every client (or client-in-the-making) who walks through your doors. Here's how:
1. Create A True Experience
When it comes to teaching group fitness classes, one of the biggest mistakes trainers make is not creating a true experience for their clients. Yes, you may create killer classes and effective workouts, but this is NOT enough to set you apart.
People are not just paying to get their booty’s kicked. They are investing in the full experience they get from attending your class. If there wasn't something special about group fitness, they would just go to the gym and work out on their own!
A great workout is the bare minimum you can offer.
- Set expectations by clearly introducing the workout for the day
- Generate enthusiasm by explaining the uniqueness of the workout to follow
- Offer levels of difficulty so that every chick can be included and challenged
- Remember every chicks name and use it often so that they feel important
- Complete each class with the same energy we started with
- Give a sneak
peek of what to expect at the next class so that every chick wants to come back - Follow up outside of class by sending our chicks weekly tips, recipes, and workout videos
- Provide exclusive "members only" content that helps our chicks fine-tune their lifestyle so that they get better results from our classes
Clients know when they join us, they will not get this type of community, class, or awesome support anywhere else, and we make sure we deliver it every class.
Stop treating your classes as just a workout, and start creating experiences that set you apart from the competition in no time!
2. Include ‘Make It Memorable’ Moments
Your clients are your best marketing tool. They are walking testimonials, social media marketers, and living referral marketing systems.
But they will not do all of this for you if you are not giving them something to talk about.
At FIT CHICKS, we ensure that every class includes a “make it memorable” moment. This has to be something that our clients would not get anywhere else. We want to leave them thinking,
Wow, that was totally unexpected!
These moments are the ones they will tell their friends, coworkers, and family members. “You will never believe what Susie had us do at boot camp last night...it was crazy!”
What these moments look like is up to you. What suits your personality and teaching style?
Sometimes we make up fun boot camp games that get our chicks laughing. Other times we'll introduce a "fierce challenge" that lets our chicks push their limits to see how much progress they've made. At some classes we offer prizes and rewards for performance or effort.
Just remember, when planning each and every class, you need to include a "make it memorable" moment that will have your clients talking for days.
3. Create Signature Workouts
FIT CHICKS signature workouts are high-intensity interval patterns that you can only get at our locations. Each workout has a fun name like The Dirty 30, Fab & Focused, The Eliminator, etc. Our chicks learn what these workouts are all about, and look forward to the weeks when we run them.
[Click here to download a free copy of a our FIT CHICKS signature workout called “54321 – Give me all you got girl!“]
By creating workouts that are signature to our brand, our style, and our vibe, we are able to deliver consistency across locations. We also use these special classes as marketing tools, enticing our chicks to invite a friend to a special class.
When you create your own signature workouts, you are providing your clients something they know they cannot get at any other class, or from any other trainer.
They feel valued. They feel exclusive. They feel special.
4. Make It Different…Every Single Time!
I can’t tell you how many boot camp classes I have been to where the clients come in, roll out their mats, put their stuff in the same spot, and know exactly what's about to unfold. They do it at every class!
It feels like the “Ground Hog Day” of boot camp. It's predictable and it's boring.
This is a big no-no. If your clients wanted routine, they could follow a DVD workout at home. They are looking for something different, something unique, something challenging, and most of all, something fun!
Delivering uniqueness does not mean that every single exercise you do has to be brand new. That's actually not a good training principle. Your clients need time to practice exercises so that they have a chance to see improvement and mastery. Instead...
- Set up your space in a different arrangement
- Stand in a different location
- Play different music
- Create a unique warm-up sequence
- Take your clients through a new stretching routine
- Use a different number of reps, sets, weights, or a different tempo
Do things a little bit different every class.
You want them to feel FOMO (i.e. Fear of Missing Out). They want to come to every class, so they don’t miss the novelty of one of your incredible workouts.
Research finds fear-of-missing-out is a powerful marketing weapon https://t.co/4SwheZHL5F #FOMO pic.twitter.com/ViHgjveqU6
— MyCustomer.com (@MyCustomer) September 9, 2016
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how many people you get into your classes if you can’t keep them coming back. Your clients have to love the experience you offer, see value in the service you're providing, and want to bring their friends, families, and coworkers to check it out.
BONUS: Want to add these strategies to your business, but need a little more direction? Don’t stress – we cover in-depth how to create and build sold out programs in our upcoming Fitness & Nutrition Expert Certification Program.